
Psychedelic Doodle Artist Prasenjit Bordoloi Is A Wicked Bro

Prasenjeet at Rasol
Prasenjit at Rasol

Prasenjit Bordloi has a father who is a retired government officer. One would expect a run of the mill, office going boy out of Prasenjit. But no sir. Neither him, nor his younger brother turned out run of the mill. Both of them are artists.

Prasenjit got in touch with me in 2019 around May through an acquaintance. He wanted to work with Wicked Broz. So inspired was he, that he waited months and months for his first call to come. When we started the HCL Foundation project in November, we finally reached out to him and thus began a small story where Prasen has become one of our own.

His doodles speak louder than words. So please excuse his extremely short replies to our questions.

1. When did your interest develop in art. What steps did you take to turn it from a hobby to a career?

I was fascinated with art since childhood. I spent hours learning and studying about street art, graffiti and doodle art via social media. Once I started getting better, I decided to push my hobby towards a bright career.

2. How important is support from family and friends?

Support from friends and family is extremely important! They give us moral support, which an artist always needs.

Mural by Prasenjeet in collaboration with TNA
Mural by Prasenjit in collaboration with TNA

3. Which artists have inspired you the most ? 

1.  Alex grey

2. Alan Aldridge

3. Kerby Rosanes

4. Mr. Doodle

5. Banksy

4. How would you define your style? 

I love making psychedelic art.

My style is influenced by human nature, things I see while travelling and my own nightmares.

This is what I’ve been practicing for the past few years.

5. If you had to choose one medium, what would it be ? 

I would love to explore all media but I prefer water based colour.

Canvas painted by Prasenjeet
Canvas painted by Prasenjit

6. What do you think is the biggest pain point for upcoming artists?

A lot of upcoming artists are asked to paint for free, in return for ‘exposure’. I think that is one of the biggest pain point for artists. Lack of appreciation and value for their art. Due to this, they are easily exploited.

7. How important is social media for artists? How has it affected the option an artist has ?

Many artists use the power of social media to display their work to a global audience. Today many options are available.  Social media has opened up the doors to a lot of opportunities.

8. Has Wicked Broz helped you solve your pain points? 

Yes! Wicked Broz definitely solve the artists’ pain points. Its difficult to explain about Wicked Broz in words. They give unlimited support and motivate your work always!

Graffiti Jam with Deego at VH1 Supersonic
Graffiti Jam with Deego at VH1 Supersonic

9. What was the turning point in your life as an artist?

In 2012, when I was in college, I was awarded the best environment landscape design in a contest by Pidilite. That’s the first time I realized that I can do more in this field.

After that for 5 years I just spent my time practicing on private commissions until I got my break to work on a public wall as part of a DMRC project in 2017. This was another turning point, since after that I have tried to do more and more street art including projects with Wicked Broz where I have worked on Clean Noida street art, Vh1 Supersonic and Nainital Graffiti Jam.

Each artwork is my turning point.

10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I want to be more skilled, and make my work more efficient and professional. I want to devote the next few years learning new skills, taking up challenging work, and taking myself to the next level

Doodle by Prasenjeet
Doodle by Prasenjit

11.If not an artist, what would you have done? 

Never thought about this. I started my career as an artist!

Prasenjit Bordoloi is now part of the core team at Wicked Broz implementing street art projects for clients. His work ethic and ability to continuously adapt and learn with his team is specially endearing. And yeah, the psychedelic doodles. It’s a next level talent that he keeps for himself and his private work. You can check out all of Prasenjit Bordoloi’s work on Instagram –

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