Krypt.one is a graffiti artist based in Mumbai.
Our journeys got intertwined at Ladies First, where he was volunteering. His sheer dedication and commitment to his art over the last one year, made him an obvious choice to be on our roster. Since then, he has worked on over 10 projects with Wicked Broz and even painted at the Nainital Graffiti Jam we organised in December 2019.
He is just 22 and he has a long life ahead of him. Let’s see what the young graffiti talent of India has to say about himself.
1. When did your interest develop in art? What steps did you take to turn it from a hobby to a career?
Art has always been around for me, as far as I can remember. But the turning point was in my second year of college i.e. 2017
I didn’t take any so called steps. But I just started doing it a bit more seriously, because I got addicted to the feeling which you get when you finish a wall and sit down just to watch it.
2. How important a role do friends and family play in an artists life?
Friends and family are a very important part cause they have your back on the days when you are down. It feels great to have people who believe in you and your dreams.

3. Who are your top 5 artists?
1.Kim jung
4.Can 2
4. How would you define your style? How did you develop your style and how long did it take?
Frankly speaking, I am still trying to develop my style. Its a long process but a beautiful one at the same time. I generally see other artists that I like, pick some of the things that I like and work with them.
5. What is your favourite medium to work with?
Currently my favourite is spray cans and pencils. But I have a long way to go and have to try out a lotta things!

6. What are the biggest problems faced by artists today?
The problem mainly faced by artists today is that of fame. They are taking it the wrong way. Get famous and well known for the art that you create, and not just make stuff up for social media and shizzle. That’s some toy stuff.
7. How has social media helped you as a professional artist?
Social media shouldn’t get to your head. That’s the first thing. But apart from that, it’s a very cool way of sharing your art and finding artists. You can see their work and learn. Actually, social media is pretty good if used in the right way. It’s very useful for artists nowadays including myself.

8. In Nainital, I remember, the day after we were finished, on new years eve, you ended up tagging the entire town from Tallital to Mallital. That was some insane amount of tagging in one night with Rez and Afzan. Why do you enjoy the vandalism that graffiti offers?
Hahahahaha! That’s something I will never forget.
I have always been someone who gets addicted to things very easily (from Oreo biscuits to what not). I got hooked up to this feeling (graffiti), the adrenaline rush, the excitement to write ones name on the wall where no one would expect it and then down the line you come back to the place to see it still there. It kinda serves like a marker that I was here and reminds me of those crazy times.
I am someone who analyzes things a lot and tries to make a plan loophole free and when you pull it off, it’s just happiness, purest form of excitement.
There’s also another reason i.e people seeing it and recognizing it
My tag isn’t easy to read and everyone won’t recognize it but it’s just a matter of time before I am everywhere.
9. How is it working for Wicked Broz? Do they help solve any of the artist pain points?
Long story short, they are freaking awesome. Not saying this because I have started working with them but they have helped me grow a lot this past year, they are very open minded and respect the ideas that we put out to them. Pretty cool.

10. What was the turning point in your life, that made you choose art as a career?
Dr. Strange maybe. I remember coming back after watching the movie and for some reason I did my first wall a week after and after that there was no looking back, lol.
11. What was your most memorable graffiti painting moment?
Most memorable would be the ones which were done without permission hahahahaha!
I maintain my Instagram to show my work just like others but that’s secondary. The primary motive is to capture moments so that I remember how crazy that particular day was. I think I have a lot to do and learn it’s just the start but I surely will get back to you when I do a huge badass wall.
12. If you were not an artist, what would you have been?
Nothing (Laughs)
He is too modest. Krypt.One is one of the most versatile artists out there. His understanding of the business of art, his pro-active managing of activities mark him out for us as a clear front runner in the graffiti circle of Mumbai.
Nonetheless, his journey has just started and there are many great things awaiting him. We wish him the best of luck for the future. You can stay updated with all of Krypt.One’s artwork on Instagram on his handle here – https://www.instagram.com/krypt.one/.